Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beth--An Intrepid Spirit

Beth Summay--An Intrepid Spirit

Beth and her husband Jeff

This SEEDS interview is more difficult because I haven’t seen this woman in years. She lives across a vast expanse of water. We have corresponded sporadically over the years: kept up with each other randomly through Facebook, email and friends and family. But when I thought about doing the SEEDS vignettes I knew this woman would be on my list.
When I was a young mom our family made a life-changing move to another city to work in a fairly new church plant.
My goal was to stay home with my two young girls (2 and 3). In order to make this possible I babysat children in my home.
Eventually I would keep four children besides my own, but my favorites were two beautiful little boys named Will and Ben (who are now men grown).
Through them I came to know their mother. She was very close friends with a mutual friend I went to college with (another woman I am hoping will be featured here on SEEDS in the future). We were all involved in this new church.  
We were a strange trio. My memories are fogged by years and perspective, but I distinctly remember being so awed and intimidated by these two women.
Beth was so full of verve and life. A free spirit, bound by little convention. She dropped her boys off in the mornings and as she drove away I experienced this feeling of being frumpy and dull next to her. She seemed to live this out loud kind of life. Confidence oozed from her and she handled life and situations with what seemed like such ease and chill. With years now under my belt I realize that some things are never quite what they seem.
We were young. Young mothers. Young wives. Young leaders in church. Young disciples. At that time I didn’t consider us young, but we were. Very young.
We are no longer young. We are touching the half century mark.
And yet.
Yet Beth’s energy still amazes me. Her ability and willingness to embrace situations and circumstances that were and are far outside her comfort zone remains. Couple this intrepid-ness with Beth’s sincere compassion for people and you have a very unique and beautiful combination.
God’s combination. And He is using this combination to touch lives.
I want you to hear Beth’s story.  Beth’s story has many facets. She fought a fierce battle with breast cancer. Fought hard, and was so achingly beautiful in the midst of it. She is in a place of daily dependence on the Father for her health, for her interactions. For language. For direction. I want you to understand this (or something similar or comparable) could be your story. If you are willing to move out of your comfort zone.  
The story of how they arrived in this place just shakes my heart. As I always say these interviews are long, but please take time to read them because they are so full of the move and hand of God. These women are filled with wisdom and spiritual insight.
Every time I read and format these SEED interviews I feel like I have been to a mini Women’s conference! 
Beth and Jeff have been married for 28 years. They have four children: Rusty-26, William-24, Ben-23 and Becky-21 and Becky’s husband Tony! According to Beth these are the greatest kids ever!
Jeff and Beth are missionaries in Bosnia.
Beth went on a short term mission trip to Bosnia in June 2000.  Here’s her account of that trip:
As crazy as it sounds, I knew the moment my feet touched the tarmac at the airport in Sarajevo, our family was supposed to live in Bosnia at some point.  Knowing one cannot make a giant, life-changing decision based on feelings, I decided to pray about it and ask God to show Jeff what His plan was for us.   
In the fall of 2000, Jeff went on a short term mission trip with some men to Bosnia for a work project.  I fully expected God to blow Jeff's mind and rock his world.  I really thought Jeff would return and say, 'We are moving!'  This did not happen. 
Throughout the next two to three months, we visited church with our parents, went to a Franklin Graham rally as well as small group and our own church.  Each and every sermon illustration and story was taken from the story of the Rich Young Ruler in Luke 18. Jeff felt much convicted and knew God wanted his obedience in going to the mission field.
We prayed and visited TeamExpansion (our mission organization in Louisville).  Jeff felt there was no way they would have a need for us since we did not have Bible college degrees and we have four children.  After talking with them, they shared how Jeff had the exact skill set they were hoping to find for the team in Bosnia.  They very much believed God had called our entire family to Bosnia, not just Jeff and I.  
1.      In this current season what would be your most comforting and your most challenging Scripture verse or passage? 
Most Comforting and Most challenging Scripture passages: One and the same for Beth.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.      2 Corinthians 10:5 
2.    With the Scriptures a given name two other books which have contributed to the increase, growth and challenge of your faith?  
Green Leaf in Drought by Isobel Kuhn.  It challenges me to evaluate myself when all comforts are taken away.  When there is suffering, how will I respond? 
When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent.  This book reminded me God is faithful, even in the most terrible circumstances. I learned that each day, I have to lay my children before God; they are his. He loves them more than I do and He has a plan for each one. As young adults, they are responsible for their relationship with God and God does not need my interference or help.
3.      If you could have a conversation with your twenty-one year old self what would you tell her? 
Find your identity in Christ and nothing else.  See yourself only through the lens of how you are viewed by God.  Seek God deeply and allow Him to fulfill the desires of your heart.  Stop comparing yourself to perfect ideal you think you should be, whether you have built that up in your mind or it has been placed there by others or the world (Notice the pattern that is emerging in each SEED woman’s advice?).  Nothing can separate you from God. 
4.      What do you think are your two strongest spiritual gifts and how is God using them to minister to his Body?
Compassion and Giving.  Giving is one thing in which I think Jeff and I are equally matched.  We both know that all we have is not ours, it is God's and we are just the stewards.  I cannot take a thing with me when I die and if it helps another person, or furthers the kingdom, then I will give it away.  
I have been told I am a compassionate person.  I hurt when others hurt and, even when I have no idea what to say, or have no way to practically help out, I will want to just 'be' there.  My heart hurts with those who are hurting.   
I am involved in church planting training with two believers and it is really, really challenging.  God continues to humble me through speaking a foreign language.  I am spending more and more time meeting with Muslim women in our city and getting to know them on a deeper level.  I have committed more time to prayer and have been organizing prayer weekends in our city. 
5.      What one piece of encouragement would you offer the women reading this interview? 
       Find your identity in Christ alone. Don't run away from difficult circumstances, embrace 
       them. God uses these to grow and build our character and mold us more into the image of
       Christ.Allow God to use those difficult times to show you strongholds in your heart. God is
       good and He has good things for you.